CT Scanning
At The Woodbridge Vets, we offer advanced CT scans to provide detailed, 3D images that allow for precise diagnosis and treatment planning for your pets. Our state-of-the-art equipment helps us detect issues such as tumors, fractures, and internal abnormalities with unparalleled accuracy. CT scans are non-invasive and can capture images of soft tissues, bones, and blood vessels, aiding in the early diagnosis of complex conditions. Our skilled veterinary team ensures your pet receives the best care possible, providing fast and accurate results to help you make informed decisions about your pet’s health.
Our Service Includes:
Pre-scan blood tests to ensure safe sedation or anaesthesia.
CT scans conducted under sedation or anaesthesia, with contrast studies as needed.
Post-scan intravenous fluids (2-4 hours) for patients who require contrast studies.
Images are transferred to a Specialist diagnostic imager, and a comprehensive report will be sent directly to you for ongoing management.
Booking & Turnaround Times:
Same or next-day bookings available.
Reports usually provided within 24 hours, but in some cases as fast as 4 hours.
Fixed Pricing:
One body area: £1,290 (includes GA/sedation, contrast, and specialist report).
Additional body areas: £300 each.
For example: The thorax and abdomen count as 2 body areas, which totals £1,590.
Booking a scan
For clients wishing to schedule a scan, we recommend starting with a consultation with one of our vets. If you're seeking a second opinion, this consultation is complimentary.
Click here to book.
For vets looking to arrange an outpatient CT, please phone or email us, and we will be able to book this in.